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NEW swimsafer 2.0 syllabus

SwimSafer National Swimming and Water Safety Programme. Swimsafer was an inititative by the National Water Safety Council in collaboration with SportSG (formerly Singapore Sports Council) in 2010. The programme was reviewed in 2016-2017 and a refreshed version was developed. 


SwimSafer 2.0 teaches people of all ages and varying abilities to swim and be safe in, or and around water. This programme emphasizes skill development in conjunction with water safety and personal water survival education. This is the only program recognised by all schools, institutions and water-related sports (e.g. Kayaking, scuba diving) in Singapore.


The objective is develop confidence and independence in the water, learn general and deep-end water safety. Techniques taught include the forward and backward movement, safe entry and exit and personal water safety.


Swim : Incorporated in Sequence A

Sequence A : Slide-in Entry (w/o goggles), swim on back 5m, submerge in water identify object, front float 5 secs, back float 5 seconds, swim on front 10m, signal distress and call for help, grasp float and float for 10 secs, move towards pool edge and exit safely.

Sequence B : Dressed in swimwear t-shirt and shorts (w/o goggles), correctly fit a PFD, jump into water, float for 30 seconds, and then climb out of water

STAGE 2 : fundamental WATER SKILLS

General skill development including unassisted step entry into water, sculling, feet first surface dives, personal water safety skills as well as water safety in quatic environments. One of the goals is to achieve 25 metres of continuous swimming.


Swim : Swim on front 25m, swim on back 15m

Sequence A : Step-in Entry (w/o goggles), front float 10 secs, swim on front 5m, back float 10 secs, swim on back 5m, scull float or thread water for 30 seconds, recover submerged object, resurface and exit pool safely.

Sequence B : Dressed in swimwear t-shirt and shorts (w/o goggles), swim 15m using any survival stroke, Correctly fit a PFD, jump into water, swim 25m, and then climb out of water

STAGE 3 : personal & stroke development SKILLS

Entry skills such as the stride jump will be taught. Skills include sculling, underwater skills and putting on a personal floatation device (PFD) whilst in water and swimming with it. One of the goals is to achieve 50 metres of continuous swimming.


Swim : 25m backstroke, 25m front crawl

Sequence A : Straddle Entry (w/o goggles), swim 25m survival backstroke, 25m breaststroke, scull on back 5m, scull float or tread for another 50 secs, swim underwater through hoops 2m apart, resurface and exit pool.

Sequence B : Dressed in swimwear t-shirt and shorts (w/o goggles), swim 25m using survival stroke (face clear) to PFD, correctly fit a PFD in water, swim 50m with PFD, then exit pool.

bronze : personal survival & stroke improvement skills

development of student's stroke techniques is a focus here, along with coordinated breathing in deep water. This stage sees the introduction of throw rescues and more personal survival skills. One of the goals is to achieve 100 metres of a variety of strokes.


Swim : Swim 100m continuously (25m front crawl, 25m backstroke, 25m breaststroke, 25m survival backstroke)

Sequence A : Compact jump entry (w/o goggles), resurface perform forward somersault, scull float or tread for 2min, feet first surface dive, swim underwater through hoop 2m apart, resurface and exit pool.

Sequence B : Dressed in swimwear t-shirt and shorts (w/o goggles), swim 3min slowly using survival backstroke sidestroke & breaststroke, wave for help, swim to thrown floatation aid and kick to pool edge and exit pool.

silver : intermediate personal survival & stroke refinement skills

Fundamentals of diving will be introduced. Development of personal survival knowledge will continue with a situational context of swimming quickly away from a sinking boat. Students will be required to demonstrate efficient stroke techniques by swimming a variety of strokes over 200 metres within a given time frame.


Swim : Swim 50m front crawl (within 1:30min), 50m breaststroke (within 1:50min), 50m backstroke (within 1:40min), 25m survival backstroke, 25m sidestroke, dolphin kick 10m

Sequence : Dressed in swimwear long pants & t-shirt (w/o goggles), straddle entry, resurface perform backward somersault, feet first surface dive, swim underwater through hoops 3m apart, resurface swim 45m survival front crawl, signal distress, retrieve thrown PFD and wear it while treading water, demonstrate H.E.L.P position for 30 secs, swim 25m with PFD and exit pool.

gold : advanced personal survival & swimming skill proficiency

Students will be required to perform a variety of strokes with efficiency over 400 metres within a given time frame for each stroke. Personal survival skills like making use of clothing to make a personal floatation device and swimming with them, putting on a life jacket in water and demonstrating the Heat Escape Lessening Posture (H.E.L.P.) technique will be taught.


Swim : Swim 100m front crawl (within 3min), 100m breaststroke (within 4min), 100m backstroke (within 3:20min), 50m survival backstroke, 50m sidestroke, 15m butterfly.

Sequence : Dressed in swimwear long pants & t-shirt (w/o goggles), compact jump entry, resurface perform head first surface dive, swim underwater through hoops 5m apart, resurface swim 45m survival front crawl, then swim another 50m using any survival stroke (face clear water), remove pants and make a float treading water (within 5min), demonstrate H.E.L.P position for 1min with self made float, swim 25m with self made float and exit pool.

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